$10k Holiday Giveaway
AeroGuard is giving away a total of $10,000 towards flight training programs for prospective students throughout the month of December. Each week brings a new contest and new winner worth a different prize amount. Prospective students can enter as many contests as they want for the chance to win multiple prizes! Learn more about our weekly contests below. Be sure to check out the “Rules and Prizes” section of each individual contest for all the details. Most importantly, we hope you have fun and good luck!
Week 1 – Caption Contest
AeroGuard’s first Holiday Giveaway is worth $1,000 off your flight training program. Whoever can come up with the best caption for the provided aviation cartoon by popular vote will win. You can be witty, funny, serious, whatever you think would garner the most votes! Submit your caption by December 1 before the voting begins for your chance to win. Check out the caption contest page for rules and details on how to enter!

Week 2 – T-shirt Design Contest
AeroGuard is challenging prospective students to come up with an aviation themed t-shirt design! Designs will be up for public vote and the winner will not only receive $3,000 off their flight training program but will also have their t-shirt featured in AeroGuard’s Pilot Shop for a limited time! Deadline to submit your design is December 8 before the voting opens. Check out the t-shirt design contest page for rules and details on how to submit your entry.
Week 3 – Video Essay Contest
The new year is right around the corner and everyone is trying to think of their New Year’s resolution. How will we make 2020 better than 2019? That’s where AeroGuard’s week 3 contest comes in. Send us a 30-60 second video essay on how AeroGuard fits into your New Year’s resolution! Deadline to submit your video essay is December 15. The video with the most votes wins so be sure to share yours! Winner will receive $2,000 off their flight training program. Check out the video essay contest page for all the details and how to submit your entry.

Week 4 – Model Airplane Contest
During week 4 of AeroGuard’s $10,000 Holiday Giveaway is your chance to become a test pilot! Build a small handheld model airplane out of everyday household items. Submit a short video no more than a minute long showcasing what you’ve built with a brief description of it. Be sure to include a clip of you testing it out. We want to see how well it flew! Deadline to submit your entry is December 22 and the voting will begin the following day. Winner will receive $2,500 off their flight training program. Be sure to check out our model airplane contest page for all the rules and details to submit your entry.
Week 5 – Pilot Pets
What better way to end the year and start the new year off right than to share some amazing pictures of pets? AeroGuard wants to see your pilot pets! Enter our photo contest for a chance to win $1,500 off your flight training program. Submit an aviation themed photo of your pet. Dress them up, make them a prop, put them in front of a cool background, whatever you’d like! The photos will be up to public vote so make sure to share yours for a chance to win. Deadline to submit your photo is December 29! Check out our pilot pets contest page for all the rules and details on how to win and submit your entry.